Our Work in the World

The mission of Poetry Forge is to teach the art of paying attention; uphold the moral and poetic imagination; and make space for poetry in our lives and the world. This is an artist endeavor wrapped up in the realities of living in the midst of a global pandemic, during a period of ecological distress, in which many among us are struggling with the basic facts of how to survive in body and mind.

As such, it is essential that this ad hoc community always offer a place of welcome, warmth, and refuge.


That we treat each other with true regard and respect.

That generosity, curiosity, and kindness infuse our experiences together.

That our collective engagement with art and ideas empowers, transports, uplifts, and makes space for everyone who wants to join us.

That we do not lose sight of the fact that we share this planet with many other beings. They too matter and are taken into account.

That we stretch beyond the perimeters of what we already know.

That we begin to recognize that sometimes, what comforts us can also lull us or numb us or obscure other realities.

That we foray into realms of listening, sensing, and being that reveal the multiplicity of existence and the fullness of imagination.

I seek to cultivate and embody the following core values as I guide Poetry Forge programming; nurture my student’s work in progress; and imagine a better possible world for all of us:

Welcome. Curiosity. Beauty. Solidarity. Collaboration. Kindness. Enthusiasm. Inclusivity. Spaciousness. Imagination. Pleasure. Improvisation. Resourcefulness. Experimentation. Quiet. Respect.

Read more about my commitments to personal, poetic, and systemic change, here. -Holly Wren Spaulding, F0under


There is Room for All of Us