Annie Gerway Annie Gerway

Sylvia M., 2016, Feedback on Work Submitted in a Course

“Thank you for giving my work such detailed scrutiny and attention. I feel much encouraged to think I might be getting somewhere. This writing has become so much a part of me since that first workshop with your four years ago and it is hopeful to feel that I have something others might think good to read.”

— Sylvia M., 2016, Feedback on Work Submitted in a Course

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Annie Gerway Annie Gerway

Dave R., 2019, Manuscript Review

“I loved getting your audio file! I’ve listened to it twice so far. I suppose audio files are part of your normal workflow, but this format has many charms for the client. Best thing: it’s not another email. It’s a voice to listen to, like a podcast, not just more words on a screen or a page. It’s more personal and unique."

—Dave R., 2019, Manuscript Review

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Annie Gerway Annie Gerway

Nancy E., 2018, Portfolio Review

“Just wanted to let you know that both the audio and print feedback you sent me are very helpful. The two formats work so well together. One plus one equal far more than two. Much appreciated!! I really value you as a teacher.”

—Nancy E., 2018, Portfolio Review

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Annie Gerway Annie Gerway

Aiyana M., 2019, A Body of Work

"Receiving your notes for the first time in my mailbox on version one of my manuscript. Shaky and nervous, I sat at my altar and tore them open with a sense of panic. I realized as I began to read them, that they were not at all the negative, discouraging, and careless feedback I'd expected (based on my past experience with writing teachers and poetry mentors). They were so precise, kind, and encouraging, I wept. Thoughtful and articulate, you guided me to let go of anything that was getting in the way of the true poem I had written, while simultaneously encouraging me to appreciate what a beautiful poem it was and what good work I was doing. It changed me, and my relationship to myself as a poet. Working with you was truly a healing experience for me. To have your mentorship was a great gift."

—Aiyana M., 2019, A Body of Work

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Annie Gerway Annie Gerway

Azad A., 2019, A Body of Work

"Your feedback is always wonderful: constructive, honest, and tender all at once. Much appreciated."

—Azad A., 2019, A Body of Work

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